Monday, October 13, 2008

Week 34 Doctor's Appointment

The Week 34 doctor's appointment came by pretty quickly.  My previous theory about getting the first appointment in the morning didn't pan out this time.  I had the appointment with a midwife and after sitting in the office for over 45 minutes listening to her discuss exercise routines with a co-worker, she finally came out and remarked "I guess I should do some work today".  I've decided to change my theory and take the first appointment after their lunch break.  Luckily I only have a few more appointments before Baby makes his debut, but after week 36 I'm going to have to come in every week.  
Baby Butterball has grown a lot over the past 2 weeks.  He now weighs about 5 pounds and my total weight gain from the baby is just about 30 pounds.  I asked about the hiccups that the baby gets at least 3 times a day.  The midwife said that that is a good sign that the baby is getting a lot of oxygen.  I have definitely felt like I hit the 3rd trimester brick wall.  The exhaustion has set in again but it's now coupled with pains, sprains, and cramps.  I have become more clumsy but the squats that I do, picking up everything that I drop, is my body's way of exercising.  

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