Friday, October 17, 2008

Fact or Fiction?

I am at the point in the pregnancy where it is no longer a question if I am pregnant and everyone can tell that it is a boy by the way that I am "carrying".  Working in the hotel I come across many discussions with guests throughout the week and I get earfuls of advice.  Which leads me to the question, are what people telling me fact or fiction?  

1.) Fact or Fiction:
If you stay on your feet a lot in the last month of pregnancy then the baby will drop and you will have premature labor.

2.) Fact or Fiction:
You should not eat parsley because it will dry up your milk ducts and that would not be good if you plan on breast feeding.

3.) Fact or Fiction:
If you play classical music to the baby while he is still in the womb it will make him smarter.

There are more but I forget them right must be a FACT that pregnancy causes memory loss.

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