Monday, March 9, 2009

The Week of Changing Times and Time Changes

Lucien is 16 weeks old.  He is starting to really like eating the rice cereal and we can't scoop it into his mouth fast enough.  Grandma and Grandpa came down from New York for a visit and Lucien was so excited that he forgot to take care of his "business".  Maybe it was the rice cereal, but Lucien went from Friday morning until Monday evening without a BM.  We got concerned on day 2 and then read in Dr. Spock's manual that once babies are about 4 months old it could be a few days in between bowel movements.  That is shocking for us because Lucien used to have 3-4 per day.  Saturday evening, daylight savings kicked in and come Sunday Lucien was in rare form.  He didn't feel too well that day and was cranky and crying for most of the night.  There is a silver lining though, Lucien slept through the night on that Sunday evening - a total of 7 hours straight.    

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