Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Tour Through the Unknown

It was Saturday morning and time for our tour of the Martin Memorial Hospital where Baby Butterball will hopefully be born.  We were on the tour with four other pregnant couples all waddling down the cafeteria smelling halls.  Overall, I'm really happy about the hospital because it is big enough to handle many women in labor yet it is small enough so that you don't feel lost in the crowd. 
A few days ago I had another dream...this one was the first dream that I had about delivering the baby.  Luckily, there was no pain involved and the baby just slipped out.  It was very early in the morning and there were no doctors at the hospital yet.  I wandered the halls looking for someone to cut the umbilical cord and then had another baby.  The dream got more in-depth and ultimately one of the babies died.  I will spare everyone the gory details.  When I awoke I didn't feel sadness I felt like I was unprepared and anticipating the tour of the hospital.  
Now, we are 2 months away from delivery.  I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow and I keep wondering...what happens to the other end of the umbilical cord after they cut it?  Do they they stuff it back inside of you :)  Is it like one of those price tags that you can never get off your clothes - when cut is there always a little bit sticking out?     
Baby room update - We're finally done painting and we got brand new carpeting this week. Now it's time to decorate with murals and baby-proof with outlet covers I was told I must buy.  

1 comment:

The Big KL said...

Don't look too much into your dreams. I had a few morbid ones while we were still expecting, and I think it's all part of the nervousness of being a parent. As far as the umbilical cord... I have no idea. I stayed pretty far away from that end of the table as everything was happening. :)