Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dreams Through the Night

The trip to Atlanta is over.  I made it through and was able to shave off 3 days by completing all the tests very quickly.  When I found out we could set our own pace through the training my college instincts took over and the idea of "getting through it to get out" was the primary goal.
On the last night in Atlanta I had my first dream about the baby.  It was an unusual one but I woke up laughing.  In the dream the baby was very small only about 6 inches tall and when I picked
 him up it like picking up a paper doll cutout or a gingerbread man.  The baby seemed really delicate and soft like a beanie baby.  During the dream the baby was forgotten on the changing table and left there for some time.  After reviewing the next chapter in my handy baby book it mentioned that dreams might be more common and it specifically stated that a dream in which you forget your baby indicates you have anxiety about the arrival of the baby or caring for the baby.  We'll just have to wait and see if this becomes a reoccurring dream before I get psychological counseling :)

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