Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Week of High Kickin'

Lucien is now 14 weeks old and boy is he getting active.  He is playing with his toys more and more each day.  We have a ton of toys for him so it's fun introducing a new toy to him to see if he's interested.  His new trick this week is kicking up his legs and turning over on his side.  He loves falling over to his side but he still can't make a full roll.  
We received a great gift certificate to from Aunt T.  I went in and selected a bunch of toys that may spark Lucien's interest.  The delivery came this week and the box was filled with a lot of fun toys including a new mobile to go over his crib.  He loves his mobiles!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Week That Mom Goes Back To Work

Lucien has just turned 13 weeks old.  Now that he is 3 months old he is developing so fast and now Mom has to go back to work.  Lucien was doing well sleeping through the night during week 12 but this week was another story.  He must have reached his 3 month growth spurt because he was back to being up twice through the night.  He was eating a lot through the week and by week end he was back to sleeping through the night again for a full 7 hour stretch.  Now that I am at the office all day I am pumping 2-3 times in the office - a very difficult job when surrounded by work and stress.  We'll see just how long the milk flows.  
Lucien has started discovering his hands.  They aren't balled up in fists as much.  He hasn't started gazing at his fingers yet, he just likes to stick his fi
sts and fingers in his mouth and munch on them.  Lucien is also starting to grasp at objects and play with his toys.  His favorite toys right now are his cloth blocks and his Ducky.  He enjoys talking to Ducky so much that he's starting to look like him...   

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Week of Separation Preparation

Lucien is now 12 weeks old and it's time for Mommy to go  back to work.  As we prepared this week for daily separation Lucien's sleeping patterns became increasingly better.  By the end of the week he had slept 2 full nights for 7-8 hour stretches.  I brought in an expert to help when I'm out all day at work.  Lynn will be keeping Lucien company during the day so she came over for a few days to checkout his routine (or lack of one).  My final stop by week end was to the pediatrician to get another shot.  Lucien weighed in at a whopping 12 lbs. 11 oz.